Insuring your structures and activities throughout design, build and operation
Construction insurance is a highly technical field with ever-changing regulations. Filhet-Allard has people who specialise in the business and can guide project owners and managers alike. We handle everything from site risks to post-handover insurance, including guarantee of completion, structural damage insurance and decennial liability insurance.

Structural Damage
Structural damage insurance is crucial for most private project owners. These contracts cover the costs of any repairs related to inherent defects, without the need to wait for any legal ruling on the liability of relevant parties.

Contractors' All Risks & Erection All Risks
Filhet-Allard carries out a complete analysis of your project for the construction or assembly of industrial installations to draw up a tailor-made contract allowing you to benefit from a global guarantee for your site at the best cost.

Decennial Liability Insurance
Filhet-Allard offers inherent defect insurance adapted to the different levels of risk faced by designers and builders, based on their specific field.
We also offer specific non-construction contracts, intended for developers, sellers after completion and delegated project owners.

Owner’s Liability & Developer’s Liability
Liability contracts protect project owners against the financial repercussions of liability linked to any damages caused to third parties in the course of construction, including any legal requirements related to the subsequent post-handover period.