Legal notice


Listed in the Bordeaux register of companies under number B 464 201 243. Limited company with capital of €879,040.
Rue Cervantès, Merignac, 33735 Bordeaux Cedex 9, France.


Insurance broker
Listed in the Bordeaux register of companies under number B 393 666 581.
Limited company with capital of €1,214,070.
Head office: rue Cervantès Merignac, 33735 Bordeaux Cedex 9, France. 

Mandatory information in accordance with the rules governing insurance arbitration:  

  • ORIAS number: 07 000 514  (

  • Our business is monitored by the French prudential oversight body, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 4 place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, France.

  • Our company has no ownership ties to any insurance companies.

  • Our company is under no contractual obligation with regard to exclusivity (we will be happy to provide the name of any insurance companies we work with on request).



Insurance broker
Listed in the Bordeaux register of companies under number B 402 282 594.
Limited company with capital of €120,000.
Head office: Parc de Cabanis, 2 rue de Cabanis, 31240 L’Union, France. 

Mandatory information in accordance with the rules governing insurance arbitration:  

  • ORIAS number: 07 000 514  (

  • Our business is monitored by the French prudential oversight body, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 4 place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, France.

  • Our company has no ownership ties to any insurance companies.

  • Our company is under no contractual obligation with regard to exclusivity (we will be happy to provide the name of any insurance companies we work with on request).



Insurance broker
Listed in the Bordeaux register of companies under number B 387 594 963.
Limited company with capital of €500,000.
Head office: rue Cervantès, Merignac, 33735 Bordeaux Cedex 9, France. 

Mandatory information in accordance with the rules governing insurance arbitration:  

  • ORIAS number: 07 000 674 (

  • Our business is monitored by the French prudential oversight body, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 4 place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, France.

  • Our company has no ownership ties to any insurance companies.

  • Our company is under no contractual obligation with regard to exclusivity (we will be happy to provide the name of any insurance companies we work with on request).



Insurance broker
Listed in the Périgueux register of companies under number 421 846 775.
Limited company with capital of € 25,200.
Head office: 14 Rue Maleville, 24000 Périgueux, France.

Mandatory information in accordance with the rules governing insurance arbitration:  

  • ORIAS number: 07 024 161   (

  • Our business is monitored by the French prudential oversight body (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 4 place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, France.

  • Our company has no ownership ties to any insurance companies.

  • Our company is under no contractual obligation with regard to exclusivity (we will be happy to provide the name of any insurance companies we work with on request).



Insurance Broker
Listed in the Bordeaux register of companies under number B 330 540 907.
Limited company with capital of €280,200. 
Head office: 2 rue Miguel de Cervantès, 33700 Mérignac, France.

Mandatory information in accordance with the rules governing insurance arbitration:

·         Orias number: 07 000 513 (

·        Our company has no ownership ties to any insurance companies or contractual obligation with regard to exclusivity.

·        Insurance broker practising according to b) of article L521-2 II 1 of the insurance code (the list of our suppliers can be sent to you on request).

·        Our business is monitored by the French prudential oversight body, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 4 place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, France.

·        Our company achieves more than 30% of its revenue with the insurance company EQUITE.



We do our utmost to meet your every expectation.

In the event of dissatisfaction, please address any complaints to your direct contact.

·         Our representative will confirm receipt within the 10 days following receipt of your message.

  • They will immediately forward your complaint to their supervisor.

  • You will receive a reply within the two months following receipt of your message.

  • If you are not satisfied with the response, you may then inform the complaints department of the issue in writing.

  • Our complaints department will confirm receipt within the 10 days following receipt of your message.

  • You will receive a reply within the two months following receipt of your message.



Filhet-Allard & Cie – Service réclamation clientèle
Assurance risques d’entreprises
Rue Cervantès, Mérignac
33735 Bordeaux Cedex 9, France
Tel: +33 (0)5 56 18 07 03

Filhet-Allard Crédit – Service réclamation clientèle
Rue Cervantès, Mérignac
33735 Bordeaux Cedex 9, France
Tel: +33 (0)5 56 18 12 10

Filhet-Allard Maritime – Service réclamation clientèle
Rue Cervantès, Mérignac
33735 Bordeaux Cedex 9, France

Treffel Assurances – Service réclamation clientèle
Rue Cervantès – Mérignac
33735 Bordeaux Cedex 9, France
Tel: +33 (0)5 56 18 12 10

AMV – Service réclamation clients
33735 Bordeaux Cedex 9, France


Any documents related to your complaint will be kept for up to five years from the date on which they are received.


If the aforementioned steps fail to produce a solution, you may then contact the ombudsman at La Médiation de l’Assurance, an organisation that provides a free service to resolve any disputes and reach an amicable settlement between an insured party and an insurance company or insurance broker.

Please submit your details, including as much information as possible (along with any supporting documents) to the following address:  

La Médiation de l’assurance
TSA 50 110
75 441 Paris Cedex 09, France

You can also contact the ombudsman by email at


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